Saturday, 16 April 2016

Intellectual property rights are must for creating innovative ideas and products

Intellectual property right protects the efforts of human ingenuity and creativity. The existence of intellectual property rights ensures the addition of human intellect. The IP law is a legal right, which is based on the national law and encompasses any particular type of intellectual property right. Automatically, the intellectual property right does not come into force. It comes into force only when the certain conditions are met. The owner of the innovation product or idea has to register his or her product and trade mark.

The importance of intellectual property is established in India at all levels of administrative, statutory and judicial.  When India ratified the law establishing the world trade organization, it also showed its adherence to the trade related intellectual property rights. The obligations under trade  related intellectual property rights ensures that each country of the WTO must obey the rights in area of patent , copyright , industrial design , trademarks and geographical indications .

Patent law means that invention in products and process, in all branches of technology will be protected. This provision is essential to encourage the individual and companies to make efforts to improve the quality of products and manufacturing process. The unique product and better technology gives profit advantage to the original innovator. Without this patent law, the basic encouragement to put efforts into new product development will be gone forever.

Trade mark is a combination of any marks or signs to distinguish the services or goods of one company from other similar companies. Such marks are protected under the trade related intellectual property rights. The first registration and renewal shall be for a period of not less than 7 years.

India has made several changes in the copyright law to keep in tune with the latest happening. The latest changes were made to bring it in line with satellite broadcasting, digital technology and software development. The right protects the right of the performer. In India several training programs are stated to trained officers and filed people in better implementation of law.

Industrial design is design that is made in the product appearance that enhances its appeal for marketability. Every country under the trade related intellectual property   has to ensure the minimum protection standard to industrial designs.  The protection law helps to promote the innovative activity in industries.   The enforcement of various aspects of the intellectual property law ensures that Intellectual property firms in Delhi industry and individual are free to indulge in creative activities not only to make more money but also to enrich the society with their new ideas and commercial aspects of ideas. As a nation, the IP rights are must to guarantee the foreign investment in technology and industry. It is among first requirements for the growth of the economy.

Best Legal firms always Real Estate Lawyers in Delhi have experts dealing with various aspects of law. The comprehensive legal services from real estate to intellectual property are provided by them under same roof. 

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