Monday, 25 April 2016

Different Area of Practice of Law Firms in Delhi

Some of the areas of practice of different law firms in Delhi are DRT for SARFAESI Act, Criminal law and Intellectual property law. Different area of practices of law firms are discussed in this blog.
For the purpose of providing legal assistance for litigation, law firms in Delhi has hired and trained a panel of lawyers, advocate and para legal experts. Other areas of practices of law firms in Delhi are Real Estate & Construction. Backed by a panel of experienced lawyers, law firms can be contact for legal assistance in the field of corporate & commercial law.
Legal assistance for corporate & commercial law is required by entrepreneurs. Furthermore, the legal assistance for corporate & commercial law is also required by start-up ventures.
Legal assistance for formation of agency and franchise can be availed from law firms in Delhi. Furthermore, law firms hold specialization in reviewing franchise. In addition to this, legal assistance for joint venture and operating arrangements can be availed from law firms in Delhi.
Law firms in Delhi provide advises on the consents government the granting of franchises.  Furthermore, the law firms in Delhi hold expertise in negotiating with franchisers on suitable funding arrangements. Litigation support on franchise can be availed from qualified professional law firms in Delhi. Agency termination and other disputes can be systematically resolved through legal assistance provided by legal firms in Delhi.
Trademark Infringement can be availed from law firms with qualified and experienced lawyers and advocate holding expertise in agencies and franchise. Legal assistance for Unfair Business Practices can be availed from reputed law firms in Delhi.
Legal assistance and advises for Trade secret misappropriation can be availed from authorized law firms in Delhi. Consultancy for handling the false advertising can be availed from some of the law firms in Delhi.
Advice on property and business acquisitions can be availed from reputed law firms in Delhi with qualified and experienced lawyers.
Bankruptcy representation can be done by some of the Best Corporate Law Firms in India. Furthermore, the corporate law firms provide clients with legal assistance for debt and equity financings. Besides this, corporate firms provide complete assistance for preparation of disclosure documents.
Law firms provide clients with legal assistance for business mergers and acquisitions. Legal assistance for conducting due diligence, can be availed from law firms in Delhi.
Preparation and finalization of agreements for mergers and acquisitions can be availed from law firms in Delhi. Execution and completion of the Transaction for mergers can be availed by the law firms in Delhi.
Furthermore, law firms provide clients liaising with requisite authorities for necessary permissions. Managing negotiation for business mergers can be availed from Best Law Firm in Delhi. Furthermore, the law firms provide clients with advice relating to the takeover code for mergers. Power Purchase Agreement can be carried out by law firms in Delhi.

Friday, 22 April 2016

Positives and Negatives of the new real estate bill

Much awaited bill has been passed by the parliament of India recently to help the consumer by creating transparency, accountability and fair deals in the real estate sector of India, which is notorious for its delays, under the table dealing and use of black money in business.

The positives of the bill are that it will create a state level regulatory authority to whom the consumers can complain. The authority will have power to start proceeding against the builders mentioned in the complaint and they can prosecute the builder. The model tenancy bill is also put before the cabinet for registering the tenancy agreements for solving disputes with special court.

When these laws will be implemented, they will encourage foreign direct investment in the sector and great housing unit for people. The builders will not be able to get huge profit from consumers.
But there is a problem, the shortage of land, has led to the development of marshlands, low land for building apartments. These building are made without adequate drain system, roads and sewage system. This was evident from the study of floods in Chennai and other cities. The environmental clearance is given without proper thought to the projects and lands demanded for the projects.

Under the new bill, the common account will be created, common parking for funds, to make sure that consumers are not robbed by the builders. Also the single window clearance, grading of developers and digitization of records will help to create quality in the real estate sector.

The consumer courts Real Estate Lawyers in Delhi will solve the disputes arising between consumers and builders. The builders cannot charge any extra money in name of new design or plan without first getting approval from consumers or buyers.

But the controversial environmental clearance will create problems in the future, if steps are not taken to address it properly. Last year the national green tribunal made it clear that area around okhla bird sanctuary cannot be used for construction. This led to the cancellation of project development around the areas and stopped the work for more than 70,000 buyers. Another 20,000 buyers could not take the possession of homes. Then environmental and forest ministry issued the guidelines limiting the areas around bird sanctuary and allowing the developers to clear the projects. This announcement gave huge relief to thousands of buyers.

 This kind of problems can Intellectual property firms in Delhi come in future, when lands close to green areas or forest area, will come for housing development. The clear policy to allot the land for construction activities will prevent the delay and financial difficulties to consumers. Because common buyers take loan from banks and any delay in giving it back, increases the burden of interests and principal sum on them.  The clear marking of land for forest and wide life will save lot of time and resources of both consumers and builders.

Saturday, 16 April 2016

Intellectual property rights are must for creating innovative ideas and products

Intellectual property right protects the efforts of human ingenuity and creativity. The existence of intellectual property rights ensures the addition of human intellect. The IP law is a legal right, which is based on the national law and encompasses any particular type of intellectual property right. Automatically, the intellectual property right does not come into force. It comes into force only when the certain conditions are met. The owner of the innovation product or idea has to register his or her product and trade mark.

The importance of intellectual property is established in India at all levels of administrative, statutory and judicial.  When India ratified the law establishing the world trade organization, it also showed its adherence to the trade related intellectual property rights. The obligations under trade  related intellectual property rights ensures that each country of the WTO must obey the rights in area of patent , copyright , industrial design , trademarks and geographical indications .

Patent law means that invention in products and process, in all branches of technology will be protected. This provision is essential to encourage the individual and companies to make efforts to improve the quality of products and manufacturing process. The unique product and better technology gives profit advantage to the original innovator. Without this patent law, the basic encouragement to put efforts into new product development will be gone forever.

Trade mark is a combination of any marks or signs to distinguish the services or goods of one company from other similar companies. Such marks are protected under the trade related intellectual property rights. The first registration and renewal shall be for a period of not less than 7 years.

India has made several changes in the copyright law to keep in tune with the latest happening. The latest changes were made to bring it in line with satellite broadcasting, digital technology and software development. The right protects the right of the performer. In India several training programs are stated to trained officers and filed people in better implementation of law.

Industrial design is design that is made in the product appearance that enhances its appeal for marketability. Every country under the trade related intellectual property   has to ensure the minimum protection standard to industrial designs.  The protection law helps to promote the innovative activity in industries.   The enforcement of various aspects of the intellectual property law ensures that Intellectual property firms in Delhi industry and individual are free to indulge in creative activities not only to make more money but also to enrich the society with their new ideas and commercial aspects of ideas. As a nation, the IP rights are must to guarantee the foreign investment in technology and industry. It is among first requirements for the growth of the economy.

Best Legal firms always Real Estate Lawyers in Delhi have experts dealing with various aspects of law. The comprehensive legal services from real estate to intellectual property are provided by them under same roof.