Corporate lawyers
ensure the legitimacy of business practices and transactions. They work for all size of companies from
small and medium to big corporations. Big corporations have legal departments
and keep battery of lawyers to deal with all aspects of the business. Small and
modicum companies take the service of corporate lawyers whenever the need
arises. They may not have separate legal department to work permanently. A
corporate lawyer ensures that his or her client adheres to the corporate law
while discharging business activities. The specific work of a corporate lawyer
depends on the size of the company and nature of its business.
Corporate lawyers give
legal guidance for clients and employers. Their main task is to defend the
interest of the company, which is employing them. Lawyers generally begin a new
case by meeting with clients and understanding the details of the legal case.
This may also include reading corporate filings and consulting with other
attorneys within the company team or from outside the company. After assessing
the issue, corporate lawyers then research prior cases related to the matter
and look for precedents or orders on the same cases by different courts in the
Then a corporate lawyer
represents his or her client in front of a judge. During a trial, a corporate
lawyer makes opening and closing arguments in addition to examining and
cross-examining witness or witnesses. To fulfill the duties a corporate lawyer must have the knowledge of
tax laws, intellectual property laws
,accountancy , tax law , bankruptcy law , licensing laws and laws related to the business that he or she is working for .
Corporate lawyers must
also help a business in licensing facilitations, creating legal background for
mergers and acquisitions, joint ventures, and any issues dealing with listing
of a company on stock markets.
Since corporate lawyers
are back-bone of any company, big companies usually have their own battery of
lawyers. .A Company, which does not keep permanent lawyers, can take the
service of Best Corporate Law
Firms in India to handle the complex nature of business laws and business needs. A small but growing business needs to handle
lot of legal paper work in tax matters, property issues, financial transactions
and laws related to intellectual property.
Individuals running small business, have to handle a lot of legal paper
work with regard to tax filling, property issues, issues related to insurance
or real estate issues. For all these services and to ensure that business is
working in accordance with the established laws, the service of Best Civil Lawyers in Delhi
can be availed. The service of a civil
lawyer can also be taken to represent the interest of an individual or a
company in a lower court, consumer
dispute court or in high or Supreme Court, as the need may arise, in cases
other than that a of criminal nature.